
滋水降火饮对实验性高血压大鼠淋巴细胞AngⅡ受体mRNA表达的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Zishuijianghuoyin on Expression of Lymphocyte AngII Receptor (AT-1)mRNA of Experimental Hypertension Rats
摘要 目的 :探讨高血压神经免疫调节的内在机制和滋水降火饮作用的可能环节。方法 :采用反转录扩增(RT PCR)技术检测二肾一夹高血压大鼠 (2K1C RHR)AngⅡ受体 (AT 1)mRNA在淋巴细胞的表达水平的改变及滋水降火饮的干预作用。结果 :模型对照组大鼠淋巴细胞AT 1mRNA表达明显增强 ,滋水降火饮组 (2 0 ,40 g·kg-1)对此有抑制作用。结论 :滋水降火饮降低淋巴细胞AT 1mRNA的过度表达 ,可能是其发挥神经免疫调节作用的机理所在。 Objective: To explore the immuno-neurologic regulation of hypertension and its inherent law as well as the mechanisms of curing and systemic regulating effect of ZiShuiJiangHuoYin(ZSJHY). Method:To detect expression level of AT 1mRNA in two kidney one clamp renal hypertension rat lymphocyte cell by means of RT PCR. Result:The level of AT 1 mRNA in lymphocyte was higher in group of 2K1C RHR than that in normol group. ZSJHY (20g/kg,40g/kg) had regulating effect on this. Conclution:Depressing excessive expression of lymphocyte AT 1 mRNA may be one of the mechanisms where ZSJHY exert immunoregulation action.
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第7期531-534,共4页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 安徽省自然基金资助项目 ( 98414 12 7)
关键词 滋水降火饮 高血压 大鼠 淋巴细胞AngⅡ受体 MRNA Zishuijianghuoyin(ZSJHY) AngII lymphocyte AT 1 mRNA RT PCR
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