七月酥系中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 1980年选用日本栽培较多的幸水梨和中国栽培较多的早酥梨杂交育成 ,1999年通过安徽省农作物品种审定委员会审定。 2 0余年来 ,在全国 2 5个省 (市、自治区 ) 2 80个县地试种结果表明 :该品种性状稳定 ,具有结果早、品质优良、丰产性强、适应性广和极早熟等特点。其成熟期比日本主栽的早熟良种幸水和新世纪梨早 1个月 ,比我国栽培较多的早酥梨早 2 0余天。肉质倾向父本早酥梨 ,细嫩、松脆、汁多 ;风味趋向母本幸水梨 ,甘甜可口 ,具香味。是一个极早熟中国梨优良品种 。
The new pear variety - Qiyuesu was derived from the cross Kosui(which is planted most in Japan)×Zaosu (which is a Chinese pear variety),made by the breeders of Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute CAAS in 1980. It passed the test of the Crop Cultivar Evaluation Committee of Anhui province in 1999. For twenty years, Qiyuesu pear has been experimentally planted in 280 counties of 25 provinces nationwide. The results indicate that its cultivated characters are stable, with the traits of early bearing, high quality, good productivity, wide adaptation and extremely early ripeness. The ripening date is a month earlier than Kosui(which is an earlier cultivar widely planted in Japan) and Shinseiki, and 20 days earlier than Zaosu(which is planted most in China). Its flesh is fine, juicy and crisp like the father-Zaosu. As it is sweet and delicious with aroma, the flavor tends to its mother-Kosui. It is an extremely early variety with superior quality and highly potential development.
South China Fruits