该研究测定了生防菌株B 96 0 1对 2 9个丝状真菌抑制效果及对部分植物病害的防治作用 ,为了明确该菌株的作用机理 ,开展了抑菌活性物质的初步试验。结果表明 ,该菌株对大部分供试的病原真菌及木霉菌有极显著抑制作用 ,对食用菌污染菌的曲霉菌、棉花黄萎病菌及对食用菌平菇、裂褶菌无抑制作用 ,对食用菌香菇和金针菇有部分抑制作用。对辣椒疫病预防作用优于治病作用 ,能推迟发病 2~ 3d。对马铃薯薯块晚疫病具有拮抗作用 ,而对马铃薯叶片的预防作用也优于治病作用 ,同时早期治疗的效果优于晚期治疗效果。抑菌活性物质测定试验证明 :B 96 0 1分泌的活性物质对油菜菌核病原菌和烟草赤星病病原真菌具有 96 %以上的抑制作用 ,但当温度达 10 0℃以上 0 .5h 。
The inhibition effects of B 9601, a new bio-control agent (Bacillus subtilis) , on 29 filamentous fungi and some crop diseases were studied and its functional mechanism was investigated. B 9601 proved to be effective in inhibiting most of the pathogens studied and Trichoderma spp. It inhibited the main adnascent fungi significantly and two edible mushrooms ( Flammulina velutipes and Lentinus edodes) partially. It did not affect Aspergillus sp., Verticillium dahliae, Pleurotus ostreatus and Schizophyllum commune and two other edible mushrooms. It controlled effectively phytophthora blight of pepper and potato and late blight of potato tuber, the effect of disease prevention being more prominent. The active inhibitory substance secreted by B 9601 inhibited the growth of the pathogen of sclerotinia rot in rape (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) and tobacco brown spot (Alternaria alternata) with an efficiency of 96% in petri dish. When B 9601 was kept at 100℃ for 30 min, its inhibitory activity markedly dropped.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University