概述了中国少数民族地区地大物博,经济落后的现状.论述了影响少数民族地区脱贫致富的主要制约因素.就如何抓住西部大开发的机遇, 从基础做起,走出困境, 加快民族地区经济发展的社会进步和生态环境方面的国土建设, 提出了跨世纪的发展战略思考和对策.
This paper summarizes the current situation in China's minority areas which are vast in territory and rich in natural resources but poor in economic condition. It also analyses the factors that have a great effect on the economic development of minorities and on ridding themselves of the impoverished condition. It is proposed the minority areas should seize the opportunity of developing China's west. Suggestions are put forward so as to enable the minority areas to overcome poverty, quicken the economic development and strengthen the territory construction of the ecological environment.
Journal of Dalian Nationalities University