
中医药科学中的诺贝尔奖问题(一)——中药与方剂学:新药物的研究 被引量:3

Some Problems about Nobel Prize in TC M Science(Ⅰ)---Rearch on New Medicine
摘要 目的:研究并提出一些在传统中医药学中潜藏的具有现代和未来意义的生命科学问题。方法:将中医药学理论与现代生命科学理论进行比较研究,并进一步做出理论推断。结果:在传统中医药学中,有许多理论和实践问题与现代生命科学的许多前沿问题以及其正在取得的某些理论和技术发展极为相似,它们或具有相似的思维方法,或在不同的历史年代用不同的研究方法却得到了相同或基本相同的研究结果。结论:在经典中医药学的理论及其临床实践方法中潜藏着许多新的和具有前沿性的生物医学问题,这些问题有的是现代生物医学尚未认识而中医药学却为其提供了新的研究思路和方向,有的则向现代生物医学理论及实践提出了疑问和挑战,还有的其本身就是一个很值得研究的科学假说。这说明,现代中医药学的研究决不只是对经典中医药学的回归性验证,而是在现代生物医学基础上对经典中医药学的重新发现。中国科学家也许能从这些发现中实现获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的历史性梦想。 Objective:To study and raise some problems of life science which lie under TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)and are significant for both today an d tomorrow.Methods:Comparative study on the problems of TCMa nd those of life scie nce was conducted,the theoretic ded uction was further co ncluded.Re-sults:In TCM,many theoretical and practic al problems are the sam e to some modern problems and some theories and technical development which ha ve just achieved;or have the same thinking methods;or have got the same or bas ically same result s under different historic years thr ough different researchi ng methods.Conclusions:There are many new and modern biomedi cal problems lie in the theory of classical TCM and its clinical practice.The TCMhave p rovided new researching ways and orientation to some of the biomedical-ly unknown probl ems.While some have raised questions and challenges to t he modern biomedical t heory and practice and some themselves are scientific hypothesis deserving study ing.All above indicate that mod-ern TCM is not only a backward testification t o classical TCM,but also a new discovery to it based on mod-ern biomedicine.C hinese scientists' old dream of awarding Nobel physiolo gical or medical prize m ight come true due to the above discoverie s.
作者 冯前进
机构地区 山西中医学院
出处 《山西中医学院学报》 2002年第1期1-3,共3页 Journal of Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 中医药学 现代生物医学 新药开发 方剂学 TCM science Modern Biomedicine Pr oblem Compare Nobel prize
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