[目的 ] 了解上海中心城区婴儿辅食添加情况。 [方法 ] 采用 2 0 0 0年中国婴儿辅食添加调查辅食种类的划分与分析等方法 ,对 2 0 0 0年出生的 2 0 2名婴儿进行辅食添加情况调查。 [结果 ] 婴儿 6个月时蛋类、肉类、奶类、植物蛋白、谷类、水果蔬菜添加率分别为 :96 %、48%、92 %、1 1 %、95 %、89% ;其中蛋类、谷类、水果蔬菜添加率达到或超过同期中国城市水平 ;肉类、植物蛋白添加率低于同期中国城市水平 ;换乳期奶类的添加明显高于同期中国城市水平。 [结论 ] 上海中心城区婴儿辅食添加时间较适宜 ,但 6个月时辅食添加的种类不够全面 ,奶类是换乳期中主要营养源 ,而 4个月前奶类添加率的增高 ,影响母乳喂养的维持 ;有必要制定母乳喂养与换乳期婴儿营养与喂养常规 。
To know the current situation of adding supplemental food to babies in central urban Shanghai. Adopting the method of classification of supplemental food and analytical methods used in the survey of supplemental food adding for Chinese babies in year 2000,202 babies born in 2000 were investigated for the situation of supplemental food adding. When babies were 6 months old supplemental rate of egg, meat, milk, vegetable protein, cereal, and fruit or vegetable adding was 96%, 48%, 92%, 11%, 95% and 89% respectively. Among these the adding of egg, cereal and fruit or vegetable reached or exceeded the level of Chinese cities of the same time period. Adding rate of meat and vegetable protein was lower than the average level of Chinese cities of the same time period. Adding of milk at change milk period was apparently higher than the average level of Chinese cities of the same time period. [Conclusion] The time of adding supplemental food to babies is comparatively suitable. But the adding of supplemental food at 6 months of age was incomplete. Milk is the chief source of nutrition at change milk period. But the increase of adding milk to babies less than 4 months old may influence the continuation of breast feeding. It is necessary to develope breast feeding routine and routine for nutrition and feeding for babies at chang milk period, and strengthen the research for mashed food for the crossing stage.
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine