目的 :总结长期血液透析患者的护理体会。方法 :观察血液透析中15 0例急、慢性肾功能衰竭患者的病情 ,保证动、静脉瘘管的通畅 ,严密监测透析机的各种监测系统 ,对透析中出现的并发症及时发现、及时处理。结果 :经过有效的护理 ,80 %的透析患者树立了治疗信心 ,延长了生存时间 ,15 0例的存活率达 90 %,最长的透析时间为 17年。结论 :加强对血液透析患者的观察与护理 ,减少并发症 ,提高生存质量。
Objective:To understand nursing experience from blood dialysis patients nursing. Method:Investigate in 150 cases acute and chronic renal failure patients who accepted blood dialysis,observate for complications through supervision system,with arterial venous fistula open. Result:We had expand life span of blood dialysis patient,acquiring 90%.Survival rate with the longest one is 17 years. Conclusion:Patients can accept blood dialysis and cooperate with treatment only through strengthened nursing.
Journal of Qilu Nursing