应用DCA排序方法对天山森林生态系统中朽木生地衣植物的分布格局与海拔之间的相关性进行了分析。结果表明 ,不同海拔高度的不同类型的森林生态系统中分布着不同种类的朽木生地衣植物。分布于海拔 80 0m的主要地衣种类有脱落网衣 (LecidellaelabensFr .,Kgl)、柳茶渍〔Lecanorasaligna (Schrad .)A .Zahlbr〕等。分布于海拔90 0~ 110 0m的有 :刺小孢衣〔Bryoriaconfusa (Awas.)Bodo&Hawksw〕、叉小孢衣〔Bryoriafurcellata (Fr.)Bodo&Hawksw〕等种类。分布于海拔 130 0~ 176 0m的有 :粗皮石蕊〔Cladoniascabriuscula (Del.)Leight.〕、亚鳞石蕊〔Cladoniasubsquamosa (Nyl.)Vain〕等种类 ;分布于海拔 180 0~ 2 30 0m的有 :黑蜈蚣衣〔Phaeophyscianigricans (Flk .)Moberg〕、美丽黑蜈蚣衣〔Phaeophysciarubropulchra (Degel.)Essl.〕等种类。
Using the DCA ordination method, the ecological distribution of saprophytic lichens in forest ecosystem of Tianshan was studied. The results showed that there existed difference in the components of saprophytic lichens communities at different altitude.In altitude 800 m, Lecidella elabens Fr., Kgl, Lecanora saligna (Schrad.) A. Zahlbr etc. were the main saprophytic lichens. While they were Bryoria confusa (Awas.) Bodo & Hawksw, Bryoria furcellata (Fr.) Bodo & Hawksw etc. in altitude 900-1 100 m; Cladonia scabriuscula (Del.) Leight., Cladonia subsquamosa (Nyl.) Vain etc. in altitude 1 300-1 760 m; Phaeophyscia nigricans (Flk.) Moberg, Phaeophyscia rubropulchra (Degel.) Essl. etc. in altitude 1 800- 2 300 m.
Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 30 16 0 0 0 1
3986 0 0 0 2 )