贵州现有各类废弃地 4 1815 .76 hm2。为了提高废弃地的利用效益 ,缓解贵州人多地少的矛盾 ,从 1999年初开展了本研究。在调查研究的基础上 ,采取了土地平整、构筑和完善排灌防洪设施、修建机耕道和田间运输道路、土地培肥和因土种植等措施。到 2 0 0 1年 6月经验收确认 ,4个主要项目实施点已整理垦复废弃地 4 2 9.5 0 hm2 ,且大部分为保灌、平整的基本农田 ,取得了显著的经济、生态、社会效益。
There are 41815.76 hm 2 of various kinds of waste land in Guizhou. The programs were put into action at the beginning of 1999 with a target for a higher efficiency of utilization to lessen the pressure of population upon the limited land resource in Guizhou. On the basis of survey, a series of measures including leveling, constructing irrigation and drainage systems, building roads, improving soil and growing crops according to soil quality, et al. have been employed. And total area of 429.50 ha at the 4 program plots had been collated and cultivated for plantation till June, 2001. Most of those lands had been leveled fields with irrigation insurance and a sound effect of economy, ecology and society had been achieved by the implementation of the programs.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences