从化肥、农膜、农药和农业机械的使用4个方面对宝鸡各县(区)2005-2011年种植业生产过程中碳排放量以及碳排放强度进行了估算,修正了碳排放强度计算方法。结果表明,宝鸡地区种植业生产过程中碳排放量总体是增加的,7年间增加了32.08%,年均增长4.58%。2006年碳排放量最少,为173436.71 t;2011年碳排放量最多,为233109.78 t。碳排放强度在0.367~0.555 t/hm^2之间,7年间增长了50.33%,年均增长7.19%。化肥碳排放占到总排放量的84%以上。从各县(区)来看,陇县碳排放量最高,每年都在60000 t以上;陈仓、凤翔、岐山、扶风和眉县的碳排放量在20000~50000 t之间,渭滨、金台、千阳、麟游、凤县和太白碳排放量在15000 t以下。太白县碳排放量最小,每年都在4600 t以下。碳排放强度以陇县最高,每年都在1.0 t/hm^2以上;太白县碳排放强度最小,每年都在0.36 t/hm^2以下。
The carbon emissions and its intensities in the process of crop plantation in Baoji region during the period 2005 to 2011 were calculated from utilization of chemical fertilizer, agricultural plastic films, pesticide and agricultural machinery. The calculation method of carbon emission intensity was revised. The carbon emissions and its intensities were increased on the whole. The carbon emissions increased by 32.08% in the 7 years,with an average annual increase by 4.58%. The carbon emission in 2006 was 173 436.71t, being the minimum. The carbon emission in 2011 was 233 109.78 t, being the maximum. The carbon emission intensities were from 0.367 to 0.555, increased by 50.333% in the 7 years with an average annual in-crease of 7.19%. The carbon emission from the utilization of chemical fertilizer was more than 84%. The second was the car-bon emission from the utilization of agricultural plastic films, the third was that from the utilization of pesticide. The carbon emission from the utilization of agricultural machinery was the minimum. The carbon emission of Longxian County was the maximum, with more than 60 000 t every year. The carbon emissions of Chencang district, Fengxiang County, Qishan Coun-ty, Fufeng County were and Meixian County were 20 000 to 50 000 t every year. Those of Weibin District, Jintai District, Qianyang County, Linyou County, Fengxian County and Taibai County were less than 15 000 t every year. Those of Taibai County were less than 4 600 t every year, being the minimum. The carbon emission intensities of Longxian County were more than 1.0 every year, being the maximum. Those of Taibai County were less than 0.36 every year, being the minimum.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences
carbon emission
crop plantation
spatio-temporal patterns