
广西多足摇蚊属一新记录种记述 被引量:2

A New Record of Polypedilum, Kieffer in Guangxi
摘要 记述了广西多足摇蚊属一新记录种:十斑三突多足摇蚊[Polypedilum(Tripodura)decematoguttatum],并附主要特征图。十斑三突多足摇蚊隶属于多足摇蚊属(Polypedilum)三突摇蚊亚属(Tripodura),由Tokunaga于1938年命名并描述。十斑三突多足摇蚊区别于本亚属其他种的主要特征是翅具10块色斑、足具色环、肛尖每侧各具2个背突。 A new record of Polypedilum, Polypedilum (Tripodura﹚ decematoguttatum(Tokunaga, 1938﹚ was described and il-lustrated with character graphs in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. P. (T.﹚ decematoguttatum was attached to the genus Polypedilum Kieffer. It was firstly found and named by Tokunaga in 1938. The species can be separated from other species by characteristics including wing with 10 spots, legs with yellow rings, and anal point with two small lobes to each side.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第7期1554-1556,共3页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31301908) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y3100486) 台州学院青年基金项目(2012QN18)
关键词 摇蚊科(Chironomidae) 多足摇蚊属(Polypedilum) 分类 广西新记录种 Chironomidae Polypedilum taxonomy a new record of Guangxi
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