目的:探讨国际联合委员会评审中持续质量改进(continuous quality improvement,CQI)项目的实践与方法。方法:运用计划(plan)-执行(do)-检查(check)-行动(act)(PDCA)循环理论对抗菌药物的品种、使用百分率和使用强度3个方面进行了调查和干预,并收集数据观察干预效果。结果:抗菌药物种类从89种精简到了52种,品规从147个精简到81个。调查科室的住院病人抗菌药物使用率从59.2%下降到47.0%,抗菌药物使用强度从70.80DDDs/100人天,下降到50.37DDDs/100人天;抗菌药物使用趋于合理,抗菌药物合理应用的CQI达到预期目标。结论:PDCA循环用于抗菌药物合理应用的CQI效果显著,有利于提高医院整体医疗质量。
Objective: To investigate the practice and methods of continuous quality improvement projects by Joint Com- mission International (JCI) evaluation in Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University. Methods: Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle theory was used to investigate and intervene three indicators of the application of antibacterials,including the variety, percentage of antibacterials used and the antibacterial use density (AUD). Results: After the application of PDCA cycle theory, the varieties of antibacterials used were reduced from 89 to 52; the type and specifications were decreased from 147 to 81. The percentages of antibacterials used in the investigated departments were decreased from 59.2% to 47.0%, and the AUD dropped from 70.80 DDDs/(100 patient days) to 50.37 DDDs/(100 patient days). The use of antihacterials tended to he rational. The target of continuous quality improvement of the rational use of antibacterials was achieved. Conclusion: The application of PDCA cycle obviously improved the rational use of antibacterials, enhancing comprehensive medical quality improvement of the hospital.
Pharmaceutical Care and Research