

U.S. Policy towards Haiti from the Perspective of New Interventionism
摘要 冷战结束后,西方国家对外军事干涉政策有了新发展,主要表现在美国打着民主和人权的旗号,奉行一种不受国家主权限制和联合国约束的新干涉主义,美国对海地政变的军事干预就是一例。海地危机引发大规模难民潮涌入美国,威胁到美国沿海地区的社会稳定与安全,美国政府为海地政变开出一剂民主处方,不惜动用武力恢复海地的民主政权。然而,美国对海地军事干预的人道主义初衷和民主目标均遭遇现实挑战。 After the Cold War, military intervention by western countries has obtained further development. Under the banner of democracy and human rights, U.S. pursues a New Interventionism in the name of Humanism without restrictions of national sovereignty and UN authority, such as U.S. military intervention in Haiti coup. The crisis in Haiti led to a wave of refugees which threatened U.S. national security and stability. The political intention of U.S. military operation in Haiti includes promoting democracy and human rights, but its efforts encounter challenges in reality.
机构地区 青岛大学法学院
出处 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2014年第3期53-57,79,共6页 Eastern Forum(JOURNAL OF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY)
关键词 新干涉主义 海地政策 难民问题 拉丁美洲 new interventionism U.S.policy towards Haiti refugee problem Latin America
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