

The research on soil compacting effect of plastic tube cast-in-place concrete pile with supporting disc
摘要 在上海软土地基中进行了带受力盘塑料套管混凝土桩沉桩压入试验,通过在试验桩桩周预先布置孔压、侧向位移、地表隆起和径向土压力监测点,探求带受力盘TC桩在沉桩过程中的桩土相互作用机理。试验结果表明:超孔压增量沿深度呈上小下大分布并在沉管拔出后迅速消散;挤土应力沿深度亦呈上小下大分布并沿径向减小,在沉管拔出短时间内骤减;土体在桩压入过程向外移动,拔管之后向内偏转;地表整体下沉,随径向距离增加下沉量变小。 To explore the soil compacting effect of TC pile with disc, this paper conducts a test on soft soil penetrating of TC pile with disc in Shanghai, by measuring the pore pressure, earth pressure, lat- eral displacement, and land upheaval around the test pile. The test shows that the excess pore pres- sure increasingly become deeper from the up to the bottom and dissipates quickly after pulling out the sinking pile, meanwhile, the earth pressure also increases with depth, however decreases along the radial direction. We also find that the soil moves outward during the pile sinking period while moves inward after pulling out the pile, at the same time, the ground sinks with a decreasing speed as the radial direction increases.
出处 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第2期15-19,共5页 Journal of Hebei University of Engineering:Natural Science Edition
基金 浦东新区科技发展基金卫生 农业和城建环保项目(2012050058)
关键词 带受力盘TC桩 挤土效应 孔隙水压力 桩周土压力 侧向位移 地表隆起 TC pile with disc soil compacting effect pore pressure earth pressure lateral displacement land upheaval
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