
陕西省县级医疗机构基本药物供应状况研究 被引量:7

Study on the essential medicines supply of medical institutions at county-level in Shaanxi Province
摘要 目的:分析陕西省县级医疗机构基本药物的供应与配备情况,为完善相关政策提供依据与建议。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样法抽取陕西省县级医疗机构样本,调研其2012年基本药物的供应与配备情况,主要指标包括基本药物的配备情况、采购金额、缺(断)货情况、中标情况等。结果:陕西省县级医疗机构基本药物配备品种数占所有药品总数的69.1%,基本药物采购金额占药品总采购金额的42.4%,均达到阶段性目标要求;基本药物采购金额前25位的化学药中,省级增补药品占33.9%;采购金额前25位的中成药中,省级增补药品占51.9%,省级增补药品较好地满足了基层用药需求;27家样本机构均存在不同程度的药品缺(断)货现象;并且部分基本药物空标给医疗机构的用药产生了影响。结论:2012年度陕西省县级医疗机构基本药物的供应与配备状况良好,但是药品缺(断)货情况值得重视,建议完善集中采购办法,降低空标率,提高中标率,同时加强基本药品的缺(断)货管理,从而更好地满足基层群众用药需求。 Objective: To analyze the essential medicines supply of medical institutions at county-level in Shaanxi Province and to provide empirical evidences and suggestions to improve relevant policies. Methods: A strati- fied cluster random sampling method was used to choose the institution samples. A survey was conducted to study the supply of essential medicines in 2012. Indicators include the variety and amount of essential medicines procured, the medicine shortage condition, and the rate of winning the bid for essential medicine. Results : Essential medicines ac- counted for 69.1% of all medicines ; and procurement of essential medicines accounted for 42.4% of all procurement spending on medicines. Of the top 25 chemical products of essential medicines, provincial supplementary medicines accounted for 33.9% ; and among the top 25 traditional Chinese medicines of essential medicines, the provincial sup- plementary medicines accounted for 51.9%. All 27 medical institutions faced a shortage of medicines. There were 47 kinds of essential drugs in urgent need were out of bid. Conclusion : Essential medicine supply of medical institutions at county-level is in good condition; however, more attentio measurements to standardize the process of bidding for esse cine shortage in order to better meet patients' needs. n needs to be paid to medicine shortage. We should take ntial medicines and strengthen the management of medicine shortage in order to better meet patients' needs.
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 CSCD 2014年第6期41-46,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金(71103141/G0308) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(sk2014041) 陕西省社科联重大理论与现实问题研究项目(2013Z008) 陕西省卫生和计划生育委员会药政处课题
关键词 县级医疗机构 基本药物 药品供应 药品短缺 Medical institution at county-level Essential medicine Medicine supply Medicine shortage
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