
解读语义对等网——一种很有潜力的分布式信息资源管理与共享环境 被引量:1

Review of Semantic Peer-to-Peer Network
摘要 文章通过对国内外该领域近几年的相关文献进行系统跟踪,对这些文献进行筛选、分析和分类,探讨了语义对等网的基本内涵;简要剖析了语义对等网的架构和模型;并从资源语义标引和组织、语义检索、语义查询、语义互操作4个方面系统分析了语义对等网上的资源语义处理问题;初步探讨了语义对等网在图书情报领域可能的研究与应用趋势。 Based on tracking of the related literatures at home and abroad in recent years,this paper screens,analyzes and classifies these literatures,as well as discusses the basic connotation of semantic P2P network. The paper briefly analyzes the architecture and model of semantic P2P network. Then,the paper systematically analyzes the semantic process of information resources on semantic P2P network from 4 aspects,including resources semantic indexing and organizing,semantic retrieval,semantic query and semantic interoperation. Finally,the paper discusses the future studies and application trends of semantic P2P network in the field of library and information science.
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期123-128,共6页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于知识地图的对等网语义社区及其知识共享研究"的成果之一 项目编号:71103138
关键词 语义对等网 语义标引 语义检索 语义查询 互操作 信息资源管理 semantic P2P network semantic indexing semantic retrieval semantic query interoperability information resources management
  • 相关文献


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