随着《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,ECFA)的签订及其后续具体协议相关谈判的开展,两岸间的经贸合作必然趋于广泛和深入,但由此带来的贸易争端和摩擦也会逐渐增多。引入民商领域中的选择性争端解决方式(Alternative Dispute Resolution,ADR),通过对ECFA框架下争端特殊性以及ADR可行性分析,进而探讨其在ECFA争端解决机制中的具体程序设计,以期为两岸经贸争端解决协议的谈判提供参考。
With Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement signed and the negotiations concerning the subsequent specific agreements going, economic and commercial cooperation between main land and Taiwan is entering more fields. Unfortunately, the number of trade conflicts is increasing. This article introduces Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR)——a mechanism used in the field of civil trade, analyses the peculiarity of conflict and the feasibility of ADR, discusses the specific procedural design in ECFA,hoping to provide some references.
Journal of Huainan Normal University