2GSMA IR.94 IMS Profile for Conversational Video Service v5.0.
33GPP TS 23.216 Single Radio Voice Call Continuity(SRVCC);Stage 2.
43GPP TS 23.228 IP Media Subsystem(IMS);Stage 2.
53GPP TS 23.237 IP Media Subsystem(IMS) Service Continuity;Stage 2.
1Atldra Elena luli~l Pastra'~. Tudor P~tlade and Emtmuel Puschita. \,,I:FE Perfiwmances in d 31) Modeled ('~ampus Area[C j. Communi-,'ali,ms(C.OMM ).2014 lOth International Cont~rence on.2014: 1-4.
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