
美国与20世纪60年代日本对东南亚的经济援助 被引量:3

U.S.and Japan's Economic Aid to Southeast Asia in 1960s
摘要 20世纪50年代中后期,美国面临日益增长的对外经济援助需求与严重国际收支失衡所造成的两难困境。为了解决这一困境,肯尼迪政府提出了援助负担分担政策,并推动形成了国际援助体系。美国的这些举措对日本外援政策产生了重要影响。一方面,美国迫切需要并采取切实措施敦促日本分担其在东亚的援助负担,使得日本的对外援助一开始就向东南亚倾向;另一方面,美国主导下的国际援助体系形成之后,作为开发援助委员会的正式成员,日本的对外援助在援助数量和质量方面都需满足相应的要求。 In late 1950s, there was a dilemma in the area of U. S. foreign aid:the increasing need for foreign economic aid and serious international balance of payments. The Kennedy Administration had to adjust its foreign aid policy and the burden sharing policy was presented to ask its allies to share the aid burden, which promoted the formation of the international aid system. This U. S. aid policy adjustment had a major impact on Japan's foreign economic assistance too. On the one hand,the United States took practical measures to urge Japan to share the burden of their assistance in East Asia, which made Japan put its foreign aid to Southeast Asia at the very beginning. On the other hand, as a formal member of OECD,Japan' s foreign aid was required to meet the corresponding requirements.
作者 徐建华
出处 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期49-54,共6页 Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(13CSS030) 广东省哲学社会科学"十一五"规划后期资助项目(09HI-04) 深圳大学人文社会科学青年基金项目(XQ0837)
关键词 美国 援助负担分担政策 日本 经济援助 东南亚 U. S. aid burden-sharing Japan, economic aid southeast Asia
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