
中美经贸关系的新变化与新趋势 被引量:7

China-U.S.Economic Relations:New Changes and New Trends
摘要 2013年中美两国新一届政府全面到位以后,中美经贸关系以构建新型大国关系为指导,进入一个新的历史阶段。两国贸易关系、投资关系以及债务关系有了新的发展,经贸合作有了新的亮点,与此同时经贸矛盾也有了新的变化。在分析中美经贸关系未来趋势的基础上,本文认为,不断增进中美在经贸领域的战略互信,推动两国在双边及全球经贸领域的务实合作,有助于进一步丰富中美经贸关系的内涵,加深中美之间的经济相互依赖,从而实现中美互利共赢。 China-U. S. economic relations have entered a horizontal landscape with the guidance of a new model of major-country relations since the new-term governments took office in 2013. New development has been seen in trade relations, investment relations as well as debt relations, and new spotlights have appeared in the economic cooperation between two countries. Meanwhile, economic disputes have changed. This article, based on the analysis of potential development in Sino-US economic relations, insists that the increasing improvement of strategic mutual trust in economy, advocating of practical cooperation in bilateral and global economy can help to enrich Sino-U. S. economic relations, deepen Sino-U. S. economic interdependence and finally achieve win-win between two countries.
作者 宋国友
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期95-102,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 中美经贸关系 新型大国关系 经济再平衡 Sino-U. S. economic relations a new model of major-country relations economic re-balance
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