
二重证据法与先秦诗乐学研究举隅 被引量:5

Some Notes on the Double-Evidence Method and the Study of Poetics in the Pre-Qin Dynasties
摘要 上博简《孔子诗论》分别以"不可不畏""其绝"肯定被宋儒列为"淫诗"的"郑风"《将仲子》和《褰裳》两诗,坐实了传世文献《论语》中孔子对全部《诗经》作品所作"思无邪"的肯定性评价,说明其"放郑声"应该不包括郑国诗歌。《孔子诗论》中孔子提出"诗亡隐志(诗言志),乐亡隐情(乐抒情),文亡隐意(文表意)"系统文艺本质论,与传世文献《诗经》"作诗言志"观念、《左传》"(赋)诗以言志"说法相印证,说明《尚书·尧典》提出我国诗歌理论开山纲领"诗言志"说的时间,当在孔子六岁至孔子提出如上诗、乐、文系统文艺本质理论时间段之内。 The bamboo slips entitled Confucius on the Book of Songs (《孔子诗论》), which are kept by Shanghai Museum, record Confucius' appreciation of Qiangzhongzi (《将仲子》) and Qianshang (《褰裳》) in Zheng Songs (郑风) , which were classified as " obscene poems" by Confucians in the Song Dynasty. Confucius affirmed Qiangzhongzi by saying "One cannot fear nothing" (不可不畏), and affirmed Qianshang by saying "They have gone to extremes" (其绝). This confirms Confucius' positive evaluation of all the poems from the Book of Songs (《诗经》) by saying that they are all "pure thought" (思无邪) in the Analects (《论语》) which has been handed down from generation to generation. And this also indicates that Confucius' negation of Zheng-music (郑声) does not mean the negation of the poems from the Zheng State (郑国). In Confucius on the Book of Songs, he put forward his systematic theory about the nature of literature. Confucius stated that a poem expresses one's will (诗言志), music expresses one's feelings (乐抒情), and writing expresses one' s ideas (文表意). These statements are in conformity with the view of "writing a poem to express one's will (作诗言志)" in the Book of Songs, and with the concept of "composing a poem to express one's will (赋诗以言志)" in Zuozhuan (《左传》) . Yao Dian in the Book of History (《尚书·尧典》) suggested that the view of "writing a poem to express one' s will", which was the originative outline of Chinese poetics, was initiated in the period between the time when Confucius was six- years-old and the time when he put forward his systematic theory about the nature of literature.
作者 徐正英
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期100-106,共7页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"先秦出土文献及佚文献文艺思想研究"(编号:07BZW019) 中国人民大学2012年引进人才科研启动项目阶段性成果
关键词 二重证据法 “放郑声”不含郑诗 “诗言志”说产生于孔子时代 double-evidence method, The negation of Zheng-music does not mean the negation of the poemsfrom the Zheng State, The statement that a poem expresses one' s will appeared in Confucius' times
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  • 1朱自清.《诗言志辨》[A]..《朱自清全集》第6卷[C].江苏教育出版社,1996.第148页-第204页.
  • 2郑樵著,顾颉刚辑点.《诗辨妄》之《诗序辨·郑风》(辑自朱熹《诗序辨说》),见《续修四库全书》第56册,上海:上海古籍出版社2002年版,第228页.
  • 3王国维.《最近二三十年中国新发见之学问》,《王国维全集》第十四卷,广州:广东教育出版社2009年版,第239页.
  • 4王国维.《古史新证》,载《王国维文集》,第4卷.第2页,北京,中国文史出版社,1997.












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