
论中国古代的露布文体及其文学价值 被引量:2

On the Literary Style of “Lubu” in Ancient China and its Literary Value
摘要 鉴于已有研究未能厘清露布文体的流变,且有错讹;本文对露布文体进行了较系统精确的考述研究,以考镜源流,订正讹误,并重点探究了露布的文学、美学价值。露布一词出现在汉代,但尚不是指文体。魏晋时,露布与檄文一度混用。南北朝时,露布独立成体,此后专指奏胜捷报。隋唐以来,"宣露布"成为古代军礼之一种。从唐到宋,为露布一大转折,其应用特性逐渐减弱,现存宋人露布全为词科应试之文或练笔。宋以后露布以拟作为主。露布的应用和流变,与国家军事方略、古代礼制、科举考试等关系密切。露布以骈文撰写,文学价值较高,具有整饬对称的建筑美、典雅藻饰的瑰丽美、铿锵蕴藉的音乐美;其中的战争描述,比史书中的战争更绘影绘形、奋发雄壮,有鲜活的历史现场感。露布的美学风格,以刚健、气盛、词壮为上。露布堪称古代战争文学中的奇葩。 As the previous study on the literary style of lubu (露布) has failed to clarify its evolution and change, some of which have even caused misunderstandings, this paper aims to make a systematic study of lubu as a literary style with accuracy, so as to identify its sources and correct the previous false conclusions. The focus is on the literary and aesthetic values of lubu. The word “lubu” came into being during the Han Dynasty, yet it was not used to refer to a literary style at that time. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the usage of lubu was mixed up with xiwen (檄文, official summon to arms). During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, lubu became a separate literary style, used exclusively to refer to a report of victory. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, “announcing the lubu” became a military salute. From the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, lubu underwent a turning point as it witnessed the gradual weakening of its characteristics in application. The existing lubu used by the people of the Song Dynasty are mostly answering papers and preparation exercises for the Cike Imperial Examination (词科). After the Song Dynasty, lubu was mainly used for imitating others'works or writing styles. The application and evolution of lubu were closely related to national military strategies and ancient etiquette. Lubu was usually written in a form of parallel prose called pianwen (骈文) and had high literary value, displaying a symmetric beauty due to the parallelism of its form, a linguistic beauty due to its magnificent rhetoric and a rhythmic beauty due to its catchy phrases. As its description of wars was more vivid and imposing than that in historical records, lubu brings back the historic scenes before people' s eyes. Lubu can be considered as a wonderful treasure in ancient war literature.
作者 谷曙光
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期107-117,共11页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 中国人民大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(编号:12XNQ078)
关键词 露布 文体 捷报 应用 文学 lubu (露布), literary style, report of victory, application, literature
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