成就辉煌 桃李芬芳——纪念虞福春教授100周年诞辰
In Memery, of Professor Yu Fuchun's 100th Anniversary
1陆埮,罗辽复,王凡,许伯威.怀念核物理学家虞福春教授[J].物理,2003,32(10):657-658. 被引量:1
2Proctor W G, Yu F C. On the magnetic moments of Sn115, Cdlll, Cd113, Pt195, and Hg199. Phys Rev, 1949,76:1728.
3Proctor W G, Yu F C. On the magnetic moments of Mn55, Co59, C137, N15, and N14.Phys Rev, 1950,77:716.
4Proctor W G, Yu F C. The dependence of a nuclear magnetic resonance frequency upon chemical compound. Phys Rev, 1950,77:717.
5Proctor W G, Yu F C. On the magnetic moments of Xe129, Bi209, Se45, Sbl21, and Sb123.Phys Rev, 1950, 78:471.
6Proctor W G, Yu F C. On the nuclear magnetic moments of several stable isotopes .Phys Rev, 1951, 81:20.
7Alder F, Yu F C. On the spin and magnetic moment of 0". Phys Rev, 1951,81:1067.
8Alder F, Yu F C. On the magnetic moments of Mg25, Re185, Re187, and Be9.Phys Rev, 1951,82:105.
1Proctor W G, Yu F C, "On the magnetic moment of Sn115, Cd111, Cd113, and Hg199", Phys. Rev.,1949,76:1728
2Proctor W G, Yu F C. "On the magnetic moments of Mn55, Co59, Cl37, N15 and N14", Phys. Rev., 1950,77:716
3Proctor W G, Yu F C. "The dependence of a nuclear magnetic resonance frequency upon chemical compound", Phys. Rev.1950,77:717
4Proctor W G,Yu F C. "On the magnetic moments of Xe129, Bi209, Sc45, Sb121 and Sb123", Phys. Rev., 1950,78:471
5Proctor W G, Yu F C. "On the nuclear magnetic moments of several stable isotopes", Phys. Rev., 1951,81:20
6Alder F, Yu F C. "On the spin and magnetic moment of O17", Phys. Rev., 1951,81:1067
7Alder F, Yu F C. "On the magnetic moment of Mg25, Re185, Re187, and Be9", Phys. Rev., 1951,82:105
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