
志贺菌调控小RNA研究进展 被引量:1

Progress on Regulation of Small RNA in Shigella
摘要 志贺菌(Shigella)是一类具有严重危害性和高度传染性的革兰阴性肠道杆菌,能够通过侵袭肠上皮细胞引起人和其他哺乳类动物发热、腹痛、腹泻等菌痢症状,也称作痢疾杆菌。我国每年约有2 000万人次感染志贺菌,且近年来有愈演愈烈的趋势,对公共卫生和人类健康造成了巨大威胁。随着抗生素的广泛使用甚至滥用,使菌株产生了不同程度的耐药性,导致治疗难度增大、治疗不彻底而转为慢性菌痢。细菌小RNA作为一类新发现的基因表达调控子通过与靶mRNA配对,导致mRNA翻译和稳定性的变化,从而影响细胞的各种生理功能,如个体发育、翻译激活与抑制、细菌毒性、耐药性等。论文将对志贺菌的调控小RNA进行综述,为临床治疗志贺菌病及新药研发提供新的思路和方向。 Shigella spp,also called Bacillus dysenteriae,is Gram-negative bacillus which can seriously damage and infect a variety of animals.It invades the colonic epithetlium which leads to severe fever,stomachache,diarrhea,etc.In our country,approximately 20 million people infected with Shigella each year and this trend has intensified in recent years,posing agreat threat to public hygiene and people's health.In recent years,with the popularity of medical institutions and the widespread of abuse antibiotics,the strains produce varying degrees of resistance,which makes the controlling of this disease increasingly difficult.Small RNA(sRNA)in bacteria,a kind of newly discovered gene expression regulation factor,has already caused highly attention.Most sRNAs act through base pairing with target mRNAs,thereby modulating their translation and/or stability and consequently influencing many physiological functions of cells,such as individual development,activation and inhibition of translation,bacterial virulence,drug resistance,etc.The paper reviewed the regulation of sRNAin Shigella for providing us with new approaches for clinic treatment of diarrhea and drug discovery.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期86-89,共4页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31272603 31101836)
关键词 志贺菌 痢疾 耐药性 小RNA Shigella dysentery drug resistance sRNA
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