为寻找高粱田适宜除草剂,2013年在林甸县农业科学技术推广中心试验园区试验地进行了高粱播后苗前土壤封闭处理化学除草试验。结果表明:在高粱播后苗前土壤封闭喷施88%异丙甲草胺乳油1 350~1 650g·hm-2,对一年生禾本科杂草稗草、狗尾草和部分阔叶杂草藜、反枝苋等具有较好的防除效果,控草时间长达40d以上,对高粱生长安全。
In order to find the suitable herbicides in sorghum fields,weed control experiment on soil sealing treatment before seedling after sowing was conduced at Lindian Agricultural Science and Technology Extension Center Park testing ground in 2013.The results showed that spaying 88% metolachlor EC 1 350~1 650g·hm-2 before seedling after sowing had good control effect against for annual grass weeds like Echinochloa crusgalli,Sitaria uiridis and parts of broadleaf weeds chenopodium slbum,Amaranthus retroflexus,time lasted more than 40days and it was safety for the growth of sorghum.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences