
语篇内部的短语学特征分布模式探索——以学术论文为例 被引量:15

An Exploration into the Distribution of Phraseologies within a Text: The Case of Research Articles
摘要 语篇各部分往往具有不同的词汇—语法特征。迄今,语料库语言学领域的短语学研究大多不涉及短语在语篇不同部分的分布差异,而体裁分析领域的研究虽大多聚焦于文本的不同部分,但以语轮和语步的切分和分析为主,很少涉及文本内部的短语学特征。本研究介绍一种新开发的语料库分析工具TextSmith Tools。利用该工具可以将文本切分为多个部分,并对各部分的短语学特征进行有效分析。本研究以国际期刊《应用语言学》学术论文语料库为例,分析学术论文各部分的短语学特征。结果发现,学术论文各部分都呈现出特有的短语学特征,且这些特征与论文各部分的语篇功能和内容密切相关。 Different sections of a text are characterized by unique lexico-grammatical features. To date,however,studies of phraseology in the field of corpus linguistics have not differentiated the phraseologies across different sections of a text. Studies in genre analysis,on the other hand,have often focused on particular sections of research articles,but the analyses thereof have often ignored the phraseologies and been largely confined to the identification and analysis of moves and steps. This study introduces a newly-developed corpus analysis toolkit called TextSmith Tools. With this toolkit,texts in a corpus are segmented and analyzed for their phraseological features. To exemplify how the toolkit may be useful,a corpus of research articles published in the journal of Applied Linguistics are analyzed for the unique phraseologies across different sections of the articles. Findings of the study indicate that each major sections of the research articles is characterized by a set of unique phraseologies,which not only serve a discourse function,but also relate closely to the subject matter discussed in the section. It is hoped that the toolkit may enhance studies in phraseology and genre analysis.
作者 梁茂成 刘霞
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期1-11,22,共12页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"中国学生英语树库建设与研究"(09BYY033) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大研究项目"英语学习者语误自动检测系统的研制"(11JJD740011)
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