梅核气多由肝郁气滞所致 ,然必须辨证施治。作者依临床经验可将其分为肝火上炎、痰热蕴结、阴虚火旺、阳虚寒滞四型 ,并辅以神志治疗 ,临床上获得了较好的效果。
As foreign body sensation in the throat (Mei He Qi)is usually caused by liver Qi Stagnation,doctor should give patient treatment according to differentiation. From writer's experiences, this disease can be divided into flare\|up of liver fire type retention of phlegm and heat type,excessive fire caused by yin deficiency type, and cold stagnation caused by yang deficiency type, good curative effect will be obtained when doctor combines these four types, treatment with mental therapy.
Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine