建立了微波消解-EDTA滴定法对海蜇中铝含量的测定方法。通过多次实验选择最佳的微波消解程序为:消解功率为800 W,消解温度为180℃,升温10 min,消解10 min,冷却5 min。经前处理的样品液与过量的EDTA溶液反应后,以锌标准液反滴定来计算样液中铝含量。结果表明,铝含量在0~200μg/mL呈良好的线性关系,相关系数r2=0.999 8,方法的最低检出限为7.4μg/mL,最小相对标准偏差为1.90%。在3种海蜇样品的加标回收实验中,铝元素的回收率在86.10%~110.30%之间,平均回收率为98.84%。该方法操作简便,准确度好,精密度高,且重现性好,适用于海蜇中铝元素的测定。[中国渔业质量与标准,2014,4(3):18-22]
Determining aluminum content in jellyfish products by microwave digestion and EDTA titrimetric method has been presented. After many experiments, the best program for microwave digestion was proven as follows: power was 800 W, digestion temperature was 180℃, heat- up time was 10 min, warming for 10 min and cooling for 5 min. Af- ter reacting with excessive EDTA solution, the sample liquid was back titrated with zinc standard solution to calculate the content of aluminum. The results showed that the content of aluminum between 0 - 200 μg/mL was in good linear range, and correlation coefficient r2 = 0. 999 8, the lowest detection limit of the method was 7.4 μg/mL, and the low- est relative standard deviation was 1.9%. The mean recoveries of aluminum from three types of jellyfish in standard addition recovery experiment were ranged from 86.1% - 110.3% , and the average recovery was 98.84%. The meth- od is simple and accurate, and has high degree of precision and sound reproducibility, which can be used to determine the content of aluminum in jellyfish. [ Chinese Fishery Quality and Standards, 2014, 4(3):18 -22]
Chinese Fishery Quality and Standards