
利用发光细菌测试方法评价菲和芘生物降解过程的毒性变化 被引量:3

Toxicity Variation During Biodegradation of Phenanthrene(Phe) and Pyrene(Pyr) Based on Luminescent Bioassay
摘要 将发光细菌毒性测试方法应用于典型多环芳烃生物降解过程的毒性评价,研究了菲和芘单独及混合状态下生物降解过程中的毒性变化。结果表明:溶解态的菲和芘在一定浓度范围内对发光细菌均具有毒性,菲和芘对发光细菌的10 min-EC50值分别为1.61×10-5mol·L-1和2.31×10-6mol·L-1。单组分和混合组分的菲和芘经过微生物降解后,其毒性显著降低。混合组分生物降解体系中由于菲和芘分子之间的互相作用,使其对发光细菌的毒性效应与其单独存在时有差异。生物降解的各阶段,混合组分降解体系的毒性均大于单组分菲或芘降解体系的毒性,且在降解完全的后期,培养液的毒性有增加的趋势。这与菲和芘降解中间产物的积累变化有关。 The present study investigated the toxicity variation during biodegradation process of typical PAHs-phenanthrene(Phe) and pyrene(Pyr)-either singly or in a mixture by using luminescent bioassay. The experimental results indicated that dissolved Phe and Pyr were toxicity to luminescent bacteria in a certain range of concentration. The 10 min EC50of Phe and Pyr to luminescent bacteria were 1.61 × 10-5mol·L-1and 2.31 × 10-6mol·L-1, respectively. The toxicity of Phe and Pyr was significantly reduced after biodegradation process for both single component and multicomponent. Toxicity of multi-component to luminescent bacteria was different from single component due to the interaction of molecules between Phe and Pyr. The toxicity of multi-component biodegradation system was greater than their singly biodegradation system during the overall biodegradation process. In addition the toxicity was increased in later stage of the mixed biodegradation process, possibly due to the generation and changes of metabolites in the bio-degradation process.
出处 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期445-452,共8页 Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.21177102.21075102) 教育部博士点基金(No.20130121130005)
关键词 发光细菌 多环芳烃 生物降解 毒性 luminescent bacteria,PAHs,biodegradation,toxicity
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