
北约海洋战略及其对中国海洋安全的影响 被引量:4

The NATO's Maritime Strategy and its Impact on China's Maritime Security
摘要 作为最古老的全球公域的海洋,承载着世界的安全与繁荣的重任。确保航海自由、海上贸易航线、海上关键基础设施以及能源流向,都涉及北约的安全利益。在海洋安全面临着巨大的诸如海洋环境恶化、海盗肆虐、新兴国家海军快速发展等挑战下,北约打着保护全球公域的旗号,根据后冷战时代海军执行的几个行动实践,在北约新战略概念指导下,2011年1月通过了"联盟海洋战略"。北约海洋战略赋予其海军承担"集体安全与威慑"、"危机管理"、"合作安全"和"海上安全"的核心使命。在利比亚战争中、在反海盗行动中以及目前的叙利亚危机中,北约海洋战略得到检验,尽管也暴露了一些存在的问题,如缺乏政治意愿投资海军。偏重于海洋的军事领域、并以军事手段解决海上安全的北约海洋战略,对中国海洋强国战略存在着潜在的负面影响:北约的海军力量可能会遏止中国海军突破第一、第二岛链;可能会介入中国与邻国的海疆纷争;对中国海军保护能源安全也会构成挑战。这是中国建设海洋强国,确保海洋安全战略所必须高度重视的。 The vast ocean, the oldest global commons, carries with it the mission of world security and prosperity. Safe and secured free navigation, trade routes, critical infrastructure, and energy logistics on the sea has been in accordance with NATO's security interest. Based on its new strategic concept and its Post-Cold War navy operations, it passed its Alliance Maritime Strategy(AMS) in the name of protecting global commons in January, 2011, to meet its maritime security challenges. The AMS encompasses four primary targets, namely, collective defense and deterrence, crisis management, security through co-operation, and maritime security. It was put to test in the Libya War, the anti-piracy operation along the Somali coast, and the Syrian crisis, and revealed some of its weaknesses, e.g. insufficient political determination of navy investment. The AMS, focused on maritime military operation and maritime security by military means, may have its negative impacts on China's 'maritime power' strategy, which merit much attention on the part of China: it may 1) prevent Chinese navy from breaking through the first and second island chains; 2) intervene in China's maritime territorial disputes with its neighboring countries; and 3) challenge Chinese navy's efforts in protecting its energy security.
作者 何奇松
出处 《国际安全研究》 2014年第4期80-103,158,共24页 Journal of International Security Studies
基金 王义桅教授主持的2012年度国家社会科学基金一般项目"国际公共领域理论研究"(项目编号:12BGJ038)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 北约 海洋战略 全球公域 中国海洋安全 NATO,maritime strategy,global commons,China's maritime security
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  • 1Richard Weitz, " China, Russia, and the Challenge to the Global Commons" , Pacific Focus, Vol. 24, No. 3, December 2009, pp. 271 - 297.
  • 2Abraham M. Denmark, "Managing the Global Commons", The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 3, July 2010, pp. 165-182.
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  • 4Michael Horowitz, A Common Future? NATO and the Protection of the Commons, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, October, 2010.
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  • 6Michael Auslin, Security in the lndo-Pacific Commons: Toward a Re- gional Strategy, American Enterprise Institute, December 2010.
  • 7Jean- Loup Samman, " Security Governance in the Maritime Commons: The Case for a Transatlantic Partnership", Orbis, Vol. 55, No. 2,2011, pp. 314-324.
  • 8Abraham M. Denmark, Managing China ' s Rise: A Strategic Imperative for U. S. -Europe Cooperation in the Global Commons, The Stockholm China Forum, October 2011.
  • 9U.S. Department of Defense, Joint Operational Access Concept, January 17, 2012.
  • 10Bill Gertz, "Pentagon battle concept has Cold War posture on China", The Washington Times, November 9,2011, http ://www. washingtontimes, com/news/2011/nov/9/pentagon - battle - concept - signals -cold-war-posture-o/?page=all.(上网时间:2012年3月7日).











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