
合肥地区无偿献血者核酸检测的应用研究 被引量:6

Application of nucleic acid test in voluntary blood donors in Hefei area
摘要 目的探讨核酸检测(NAT)在血液筛查中的作用,为选择血液筛查策略提供科学依据。方法该中心在2012年1月至2013年4月对68 662例无偿献血标本同步进行血清学和核酸检测;29例血清学阴性HBV DNA阳性样本进行乙型肝炎血清标志物测试;部分抗HIV阳性样本送疾控中心做确认实验。结果 68 662例标本中核酸单独阳性样本120例,输血残余风险为0.175%;乙型肝炎血清标志物检测,以HBcAb阳性模式居多;HIV确认阳性11例,全部为核酸阳性标本。结论核酸检测能够降低输血残余风险,保证输血安全。NAT和血清学检测相互补充,不能替代,应选择适合的筛查策略。 Objective To discuss the role of nucleic acid test(NAT)in blood screening to provide the scientific basis for the se-lection of blood screening strategies.Methods The serological detection and NAT were simultaneously performed on 68 662 speci-mens of voluntary blood donation from January 2012 to April 2013;29 samples of HBV DNA positive with serological HBsAg nega-tive were performed the serum HBV markers detection.Partial samples of anti-HIV antibody positive were sent to CDC for conduc-ting the confirmation test.Results Among 68 662 samples,120 cases of single NAT positive were detected out,the residual risk of blood transfusion was 0.175%.In the serum HBV markers detection,the mode of HBcAb was predominant.11 cases of HIV posi-tive were confirmed and all were the NAT positive samples.Conclusion NAT can reduce the residual risk of blood transfusion,en-sure the safety of blood transfusion.NAT and the serological detection are mutual complementation and not replaced by each other. The suitable screening strategy shold be selected.
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第13期1742-1744,共3页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 核酸检测 酶联免疫吸附测定 血液筛查 nucleic acid test enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay blood screening
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