

Topic Driven Mobility Model
摘要 Ad Hoc网络中人群的移动具有趋同性和弱耦合的聚散特性,现有的移动模型对此存在一些研究,然而缺乏对群组变化行为的描述。文中提出话题驱动模型(Topic Driven Mobility Model,TDMM),使用人与话题的关系模型描述人的行为状态,对节点形成群组的驱动因素进行了研究,更好地刻画了Ad Hoc网络中群组的行为变化特征。通过对部分模型参数进行选取模拟了松散协作的应用场景,仿真结果表明,模型能够体现符合人群的社会性特征,同时能有效地描述节点聚散的运动过程。 In Ad Hoc networks,the crowd moves with convergence and weak coupling parting characteristics. There exists a few mobility models that are taking this tendency into account,however,all these models are lack of the descriptions about the change in the behavior of the group. In this paper,present a new mobility model called TDMM ( Topic Driven Mobility Model) in which the relationship be-tween the user and the topic model is used to describe the behavior of human movement. The driving factor for the formation of the group is researched to better characterize the moving characteristics of crowd in Ad Hoc. The parts of the model parameters are selected to simu-late a loose collaboration scenarios. The simulation results show that the model can reflect the social feature for crowd,at the same time effectively describe the movements of nodes.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2014年第7期116-119,124,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20126102110036) 航空科学基金(2012ZC53042)
关键词 群组移动模型 话题热度 人群行为 group mobility model topic hot human mobility patterns
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