本研究通过神经瘤细胞(NA)培养CVS-11株狂犬病病毒,并测定不同批次的病毒毒价,为优化狂犬病疫苗的生产工艺提供数据支持,具有实际意义。病毒培养和检测结果表明,第1次和第2次收获的病毒液病毒含量较高,在107.0FFU/0.1 mL以上,毒力为106.4~107.0LD50/0.03 mL;而第3次收获的病毒含量则较低,只有106.0FFU/0.1 mL左右,毒力为105.0~105.3LD50/0.03 mL。第1次和第2次收获的病毒液可用于制备狂犬疫苗,第3次收获的病毒液因毒价较低不适于制备狂犬疫苗。
Through cultivating Rabies virus strain CVS-11 on Neuroma cells, and testing the ti-ter and potency of different batches of harvested fluid, to get the experiment data for Rabies vaccine manufacture and process optimization. The first and second harvesting virus titers were higher than 107.0 FFU/0.1 mL, virus virulence between 106.4 and 107.0 LD50/0.03 mL, and can be used of manufacture Rabies vaccine. The third harvesting virus titer was about 106.0 FFU/0.1 mL, virus virulence was between 105.0 and 105.3 LD50/0.03 mL, and was not useful for Rabies vaccine manufacture.
Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine