目的探讨养血清脑颗粒联合纳洛酮治疗眩晕症的的临床效果及安全性。方法 2009年10月~2013年1月入选眩晕症患者100例,按治疗方法分为治疗组和对照组。治疗组予以口服养血清脑颗粒,同时联用纳洛酮静脉滴注;对照组采用维生素C+维生素B6+三磷酸腺苷(ATP)+地塞米松5 mg加入5%葡萄糖250 ml中静脉滴注。两组的治疗周期均为5 d。结果治疗组中显效51例,有效6例,无效5例,总有效率为95%,对照组中显效10例,有效10例,无效20例,总有效率为50%,两组的总有效率比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.0004)。结论养血清脑颗粒联合纳洛酮治疗眩晕症具有很好的临床应用意义。
Objective To explore the clinical effect and safety of Yangxue qingnao granule combined with naloxone in the treatment of vertigo. Methods 100 patients with vertigo from October 2009 to January 2013 were selected and divided into the treatment group and the control group according to different therapeutic methods. In the treatment group,oral administration of Yangxue qingnao granule combined with intravenous drip of naloxone was provided,while in the control group,vitamin C,vitamin B6,adenosine triphosphate(ATP),5 mg dexamethasone and 5% glucose of 250 ml were mixed together for intravenous drip.The course of treatment in both groups lasted 5 days. Results In the treatment group,51 cases were markedly effective,6 cases were effective,5 cases were invalid,the total effective rate was 95%,while in the control group,10 cases were markedly effective,10 cases were effective,20 cases were invalid,the total effective rate was 50%,and there was a statistical difference of the total effective rate of the two groups(P=0.0004). Conclusion Yangxue qingnao granule combined with naloxone treating vertigo has very good significance in clinical application.
China Modern Medicine