《音乐教学蓝图(幼儿园—12年级)》(下称《蓝图》)是美国纽约市教育局针对音乐教师如何在公立学校系统对幼儿园—12年级的学生开展音乐教学的指导性文件。其产生的背景源于《纽约州的艺术学习标准》(1996年版)和《艺术教育蓝图》(2004年版)已经不适应纽约市艺术教育的迅速发展和市政府的要求。《蓝图》的框架包括:编者群介绍;纽约市教育局总监Joel I.Klein的来信;纽约市教育局艺术和特殊项目办公室音乐项目主任Barbara Murray的致谢辞;目录;引言;学习音乐的五个组成部分;学生的发展和音乐;蓝图的语言;蓝图使用指导;全景模板的介绍;音乐学习经验的品质;分年级段的详述;音乐教室的装备;音乐课堂的英语学习者;音乐为特殊学习者;如何对高年级才接触音乐的学生进行教学;补充资源和信息;样本课程的研究;附录等。我们将以3—5年级为例对《蓝图》进行详细译介并提出其对我国音乐教育的启示。
Blueprint For Teaching and Learning in Music (Grades PreK-12 )is a document prepared by New York City de- partment of education in order to teach music from kindergarten to grade 12 for music teachers of public schools in NYC, be- cause NY State Arts Requirements(1996) and Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Art(2004) have not caught up with the development of NYC and the requirements of NYC . Blueprint For Teaching and Learning in Music ( Grades PreK-12 ) con- sists of eight parts: introducing the editors, letters from the Chancellor, acknowledgments, tables of content, introduction, the five strands of Learning in music, student development and music, blueprint language, a guide to the music blueprint, introduction to the panorama mode, qualities of music learning experiences, details of each grade, the equipping of the mu- sic Classroom, the English language Learner in the music class, music for special learners, the older beginners in music, supplemental resources and Information, sample units of study, appendix A,B, C, glossary from music, its role & impor- tance in our lives and bibliography/resources. The article takes the details of grade 3-5 as an example and points out lessons for our country.
Journal of Aesthetic Education
Blueprint For Teaching and Learning in Music( Grades PreK-12)
New York City
teaching and learning inmusic