永安林业是林、工、商结合 ,产、运、贮一体的林业企业集团 ,主营业务包括 :木 (竹 )材采运、加工 ,林化产品制造。许多经济技术指标 ,在我国森工企业中 ,处于领先水平。永安林业制定了向生物制药、环保产业发展的长远规则。从资源培育入手 ,提高产品的科技含量 ,提高资源利用率 ,扩大森林资源储备 ,把创新作为企业生存和壮大的根本发展战略。目前 。
Yongan Forestry is a forestry group that combines forestry with industry and commerce,and that is also an unity of production,transport and storage.Main business activities consists of bamboo forest logging,forest logging,product processing,forest chemical producing.Many economic indexes are advanced levels in our forest engineering companies.Biological medicine and environmental protection are made as the long term developing program.Yongan Forestry starts with growing forest to increase scientific content of production,to raise forest utilization ratio,and to increase forest reserves.Blazing new trails are as basic development strategy of existence and strength.Now because the quality of forest is lower and the substitutes for Chinese Fir Timber increase,the economic index come down.
Forest Engineering