
20世纪20年代苏联“专家治国运动”研究 被引量:6

Study on the Technocratic Movement of the Soviet Union in 1920s
摘要 20世纪20年代"专家治国运动"在苏联的兴起主要缘于社会主义工业化需要大量的专业技术人才,而在当时能够胜任这一任务的只能是来自旧政权的资产阶级技术专家,"新经济政策"为提高知识分子的物质待遇和政治地位提供了可能。帕尔钦斯基和恩格迈尔是这场运动的发起者和组织者,为了能让工程师在国家恢复和建设中承担更大的社会责任,最终在苏联实现专家治国的目标殚精竭虑。"专家治国运动"失败的根本原因在于当局对技术专家的不信任,一系列冤假错案不仅导致国家建设人才匮乏,也使苏联工业化走了不少弯路。如何客观认识知识分子的社会作用和制定正确的知识分子政策,苏联"专家治国运动"的兴衰为我们提供了反面教材。 The Soviet Union's technocratic movement in 1920s resulted mainly from the need for a large number of professional and technical personnel in the process of socialist industrialization. At that time, only the technical experts of the bourgeoisie from the old regime were competent for the task, making it possible that the new economic policies should aim to improve the intellectuals' material benefits and political status. As the sponsors and organizers of the campaign, P. Palchinsky and P. Engelmeier racked their brains to make the engineers undertake greater social responsibility for the national recovery and construction, and ultimately fulfill the objective of technocracy in the Soviet Union. The failure of the technocratic movement is largely due to the authorities' distrust of the technologists. A series of miscarriages of justice not only led to a lack of talents for the national construction, but also brought about quite a few detours in the Soviet Union's industrialization. The rise and fall of the technocratic movement in the Soviet Union sets a negative example in understanding the social role of intellectuals and formulating the reasonable policies for intellectuals.
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期343-348,共6页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(12BZX031) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金资助项目(09YJA720030)
关键词 苏联 彼得·帕尔钦斯基 专家治国论 技术哲学 The Soviet Union P. Palchinsky technocracy philosophy of technology
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