
时间语境中的政府行政决策研究 被引量:2

Research of Government Administrative Decisions in the Temporal Context
摘要 后工业化和后常规科学让社会步入到一个高度复杂和不确定的时代,短时间内大量信息的涌入给政府行政决策效能提出了巨大的挑战,政府行政决策自身的时限性和政策产出的时效性制约着决策主体在合理时间内作出决策的能力。作为政府行政决策需要适应的一个重要情境要素,时间以时间限制和时间压力的形式,通过决策者认知情绪的波动制约着决策信息的搜集、决策方案的选择和决策评估的效度,进而影响到政府行政决策水平和决策能力。因此,行政人员需要寓学习于决策之中,在决策的回顾和前瞻中合理把握时机,将时间限制和时间压力调整在可控的范围内,提高政府行政决策效能。 The society has entered into a highly complex and uncertain age under the influence of post- industrialization and post-normal science. Meanwhile, the influx of large amounts of information in a short time has posed a huge challenge to the governments' administrative decision-making efficacy. The ability of decision making within a reasonable time is affected by the governments' administrative decision-making time limit as well as the timeliness of their policy outputs. Time, in the form of time limit and time pressure, plays an important role in administrative decision making. The fluctuation of decision-makers' cognitive emotions may affect information gathering, program choosing and the validity of decision assessment, which consequently influences the level and ability of the governments' administrative decision making. Therefore, the administrative staff need to integrate learning into decision making, seize appropriate opportunities in the process of decision retrospect and prospect, and have control over time limit and time pressure. Only in this way could the efficacy of the governments' administrative decision making be improved.
作者 李兆友 师容
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期383-387,共5页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(N100214001)
关键词 时间限制 时间压力 行政决策 决策效能 time limit time pressure administrative decision decision-making efficacy
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