
劳动力流动模式对就业权益保障的影响——基于八个城市的实证分析 被引量:4

The Impacts of Labor Migration Patterns upon Workers' Employment Rights:An Empirical Analysis of Eight Cities
摘要 随着改革开放的不断深化和就业权益意识的不断增强,流动人口就业权益保障问题成为当前学术界的重点关注领域。尽管相关研究对此进行了积极探讨,但是有关劳动力流动模式对就业权益保障状况的深度剖析却非常罕见,因此有必要通过区分不同劳动力流动模式来探讨户籍制度对于就业权益保障的深度影响,考察劳动力流动模式的差异而形成的权益保障分化。通过对八个城市2801名正规就业人员的实证分析,我们发现不同类型的劳动力流动模式对就业权益保障产生了差异化的影响,且这种差异较为集中地体现在混合流动模式中的福利待遇和权益维护方面。基于此,政府应该采取更为积极的就业扶助政策,对于农村户籍流动人口的就业权益提供更为优先的制度保障,推动混合流动模式的务工人员具有更为公平的就业环境。 With the deepening of reform and opening up and the strengthening of employees' sense of their rights,the protection of migrating laborers' rights has become an important field of study for current academic exploration. Al-though research about this topic has been active, insightful analysis of the impacts of labor migration patterns upon work-ers' employment fights is still very rare. As a result, it is important for us to study, by differentiating different labor mi-gration patterns, the household registration system's profound impacts upon laborers' employment rights, and to exam-ine the differentiation of employment fights as caused by the differences in labor migration patterns. After an empiricalstudy of 2801 normal employees, we find that different labor migration patterns may differentiate employment rights andemployment security, and this kind of differentiation is the most evident in the welfare and rights of mixed-migration-pat-tern laborers. Because of this, government should adopt more active employment policy to better protect institutionallythe employment rights of migrating population from rural areas, and to promote a fairer employment environment formixed-migration-pattern laborers.
作者 黄晓燕
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期125-135,共11页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部重大课题攻关项目(12JZD022) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD072)
关键词 流动模式 就业权益 劳动保护 福利待遇 权益维护 Migration Patterns Employment Rights Labor Protection Employee Welfare Rights Protection
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