
我国儿童群体社会福利态度的定量研究 被引量:13

A Quantitative Study of Children's Social Welfare Attitudes in China
摘要 社会福利政策发展的目标是建立一个需要为本的社会福利框架,因此了解包括儿童在内的广大民众的福利需要对于社会福利政策的未来建构具有非常重要的意义。与国外的研究相比,我国学术界对于民众社会福利态度的讨论则相对沉寂,因而有必要在此方面进行更为深入细致的讨论。在采取因子分析、均值分析、聚类分析和Logistic回归分析对1262名儿童进行研究后发现,尽管儿童群体与其他群体之间、儿童群体内部之间存在着福利期待水平上的显著不同,但是其社会福利态度的内部结构并无本质性区别,且儿童群体社会福利态度的影响因素与其福利获取状况没有非常密切的联系。基于此,政府应当积极关注民众的核心福利诉求,加速推动需要满足基础上社会福利制度的建构。 The objective of the development of social welfare policies is to establish a need-based social welfaresystem, so to understand the public' s (including children' s) social welfare attitudes is of spectacular significance to thebuilding of social welfare system in the future. Compared with related research in foreign countries, China' s study of thepublic' s social welfare attitudes is comparatively tepid. As a result, it is necessary for us to have profounder explorationin this aspect. By studying 1262 children through factor analysis, mean analysis, cluster analysis and logistic regressionanalysis, we find that although there are drastic differences in social welfare attitudes between children and other groupsor even between different groups of children, the internal structure of children' s social welfare attitudes proves to be oflittle difference. What is more, the factors that may influence children' s social welfare attitudes have very little to dowith the welfare they enjoy. Because of these, our government should take into account people' s central need for socialwelfare and promote the construction of a need-based social welfare system.
作者 万国威
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期136-149,共14页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部重大课题攻关项目(10JZD0033)
关键词 社会福利态度 儿童群体 福利需要 福利获取 Social Welfare Attitudes Children Welfare Needs Welfare Receiving
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