目的:分析改良加藤厚涂片法(Kato-Katz)1送3检中单次涂片检出率规律,并探索单次涂片检出率与粪便中虫卵密度的相互关系。方法2006-2010年,每年9-11月在安徽省蒙城县监测点采集3周岁以上常住居民的粪便,采用改良加藤厚涂片法(1送3检)检查蛔虫、鞭虫和钩虫卵;以片均虫卵数(eggs per slide,EPS)作为描述粪便虫卵密度的计算单位。对虫卵在3张涂片中的各自出现概率进行分析和对比。结果3张涂片的虫卵出现率差异均无统计学意义。当EPS〈2时,单张涂片的虫卵平均出现率为52.26%;当EPS≥16时,单张涂片虫卵出现率可达99.26%。结论单张涂片的虫卵平均出现率与EPS存在一定关联。
Objective To analyze on the eggs of soil-transmitted nematodes by Kato-Katz technique in the single smear, and explore the interrelation between the detection rate of singe slide of Kato-Katz and the density of eggs in the stool samples. Methods The stool samples of the residents above three years old at Mengcheng County in Anhui were collected, and Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and hookworms with modified Kato- Katz thick smear were examined once a year from September to November, 2006 to 2010. The number of eggs per slide was used to describe the density of eggs in the stool samples. The probability of the eggs appeared in the three smears was analyzed and compared. Results There was no statistical significance difference on the occurrence rate of eggs among the three slides. The occurrence rate of eggs was 52.26% in a single smear when the EPS less than 2, and 99.26% when the EPS was more than 16. Conclusion The occurrence rate of eggs in a singe slide was associated with EPS by Kato-Katz technique.
Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
Soil-transmitted nematodes
Kato-Katz technique
Detective rate
Density of eggs instool sample