为了研究家蚕新品种贵蚕4号(781·薪杭x7532·科明)的原蚕性状,掌握2个对交原蚕间的交配与产卵特性,提高蚕种质量,为大批量蚕种生产提供参考。对华系原蚕781·薪杭和日系原蚕7532·科明进行不同交配时间长短、雌蛾成熟度、雄蛾不同交配次数和不同光照环境对产卵成绩影响的调查研究。结果表明,交配时间3-4 h 产下的卵质最优,羽化后4-5 h 交配的雌蛾产卵量最多,良卵率最高;对雄蛾进行合理保护,可二交或三交再利用,对卵质卵量没有明显影响;人工黑暗环境能使雌蛾提前产卵,加快产卵速度,增加产卵量。
To investigate the traits of parent silkworm Guican 4(781·Xinhangx7532·Keming), master the matching and oviposition features of two crossed parent silkworms,so as to enhance the silkworm quality and provide a reference for mass production of silkworm.The laying achievements of Chinese parent silkworm(781 x Xinhang)and Japanese parent silkworm (7532 x Keming)were studied under the following several situations:different duration of mating,maturity of female moths,male moths’mating frequency and various lighting conditions.The results showed that egg quality was the best when the mating lasts for 3-4 h and the fecundity and the good egg percentage of female moths was the highest when they mate 4-5 h after eclosion.Also,there was no effects on the egg quality and quantity when the male moths were properly protected,mate twice or three times.However,different lighting conditions had great effects on oviposition habits of them.Artificial dark could make female moths lay their eggs earlier and faster than natural light and increase egg production of them .
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences