
体育场馆营销活动开展的影响因素分析——以广东省为例 被引量:1

Analysis on Influencing Factors of the Stadium Marketing Activities——Take Guangdong Province as an Example
摘要 本文采用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,基于广东省大型体育场馆的主要营销活动现状,选取广东3个大型公共体育场馆6场不同的体育赛事和文艺演出活动进行研究,通过对参加不同活动的观众进行调查,获悉观众在参与体育场馆活动过程中对体育场馆营销的影响有性别因素、年龄因素、观众月收入情况因素、个人兴趣爱好因素;体育场馆活动本身产生的具体影响有票价、活动影响力及规模、活动时间的安排、用餐便利性、住宿便利性,并形成最终结论与建议,旨在为推动体育场馆的现实运营提供有益借鉴。 This article uses the literature material, questionnaire survey and other research methods, main current marketing activities of Guangdong Province Based on large - scale stadium hall of Guangdong, selected 3 large public stadiums in 6 different sporting events and theatrical performances, through carries on the investigation to participate in different activities of the audience, audience participation in sports activities was informed that in the process of influence of stadiums and sports activity of specific marketing influence itself, there are gender, age, monthly income, the personal interest; the specific impact sports activity itself has the fare, activity influence and scale, time arrangement, convenient dining, accommodation facilities, and form the final conclusions and suggestions, aiming to provide useful reference to promote the practical operation of stadiums.
作者 陈滔
出处 《哈尔滨体育学院学报》 2014年第3期37-41,共5页 Journal of Harbin Sport University
关键词 体育场馆 活动 营销 影响因素 Stadium Activity Marketing Influence factors
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