
Benguela CommunitylUNAM Wind Power Demonstration Projectm——Experiences in Implementation

Benguela CommunitylUNAM Wind Power Demonstration Projectm——Experiences in Implementation
摘要 The government of Namibia has committed itself to promote the use of economically viable RE (renewable energy) technologies, as a complement to grid electrification, and to improve energy provision to rural areas. This paper presents the implementation of the Benguela Community-UNAM Wind-Power Demonstration Project, which is a community-run wind-power mini-generation pilot plant in Luderitz, Namibia. Luderitz is located in South-Western Namibia along the Namib Desert. The region experiences abundant south-westerly winds and the coastal weather conditions make it a suitable location for wind energy. This project is an initiative from the community of Luderitz and a first of its kind in Namibia. It demonstrates the application of small-scale wind energy systems in Namibia and contributes to the growing national awareness of RE and use of wind power in the country. Through its activities, the project has created a dialogue between the local authorities, business community, schools and the greater community. The balance of the paper discusses lessons learned; envisaged future development plans; highlights technical, administrative and management activities; as well as potential for replication and barriers encountered during the project implementation including institutional constraints. The solution-methods developed are presented and discussed.
出处 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第6期1067-1072,共6页 能源与动力工程(美国大卫英文)
关键词 Renewable energy community-run MICRO-GRID wind-power clean energy technologies Namibia. 示范项目 风电 小型风力发电系统 墨西哥国立自治大学 可再生能源 纳米比亚 纳米布沙漠 推广使用
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