
透明质酸钠对预防人工流产术后闭经的作用研究 被引量:2

摘要 目的:探讨透明质酸钠在人工流产手术后对预防闭经的实际疗效及价值。方法对400例人工流产术后使用透明质酸钠者进行跟踪调查,观察术后6个月内月经是否正常,有无白带增多、腹痛等症状,统计闭经出现的概率,并调查其年龄、孕次数与闭经之间的关系。随机选择400例进行人工流产术且未使用透明质酸钠等防粘连产品者,作为对照组,同样观察以上指标。结果人工流产术后使用透明质酸钠者仅1例出现闭经,闭经概率为0.26%,未使用防粘连产品者有19例闭经,闭经概率为5.35%,差异有统计学意义。结论透明质酸钠在人工流产术中对预防闭经有显著效果。 Objective To explore the value of sodium hyaluronate in preventing amenorrhea after induced abortion. Methods We Investigated 400 patients of induced abortion with the use of sodium hyaluronate byobserving whether they had regular menses,or any increased leucorrhea,abdominal pain and other symptoms Within half a year,collecting the rate of amenorrhea,and the relationship of the age and time span of mother pregnancy with amenorrhea. Another 400 patients of induced abortion without the use of sodium hyaluronate and were as a control. Results Only 1 patient suffered from amenorrhea with the use of sodium hyaluronate, the rate was 0.26%,while 19 patients suffered from amenorrhea without the use of sodium hyaluronate,the differencewas Significant. Conclusions Sodium hyaluronate has a significant effect on prevention of amenorrhea after induced abortion operation.
出处 《浙江临床医学》 2014年第7期1040-1041,共2页 Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal
基金 2011年浙江省医学会临床科研基金项目(2011ZYC-A34)
关键词 闭经 人工流产 透明质酸钠 Amenorrhea Induced abortion Sodium Hyaluronate
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