
机会网络蓝牙设备唤醒调度机制研究 被引量:2

A bluetooth node wake-up scheduling mechanism for opportunistic networks
摘要 在以人为载体的机会网络中,移动蓝牙设备有电池能量有限的特点。同时,在机会网络中,节点经常处于较长时间的互不连通状态,如何设计有效的蓝牙节点唤醒调度模式来降低能耗并确保不破坏网络现有的连通性是一个重要问题。提出了一种机会网络蓝牙设备唤醒调度策略BWM。该策略分析蓝牙设备电池能耗问题,建立了涉及能耗的蓝牙数据传输模型,并对休眠唤醒机制中的参数内在联系进行研究,以确保数据成功传输量为前提来对唤醒周期间隔长度进行控制。仿真实验结果表明,BWM在保证节点有效数据发送性能前提下节省了节点消耗的能量。 Mobile bluetooth devices have limited battery energy in opportunistic networks whose wireless devices are carried by humans. Moreover, nodes are often in the long disconnected state in opportunistic networks. Therefore, it is an important issue that how to design an effective node wake-up scheduling pattern so as to reduce energy consumption and keep the existing network connectivity. A bluetooth node wake-up scheduling policy, named BWM, is proposed. This policy studies the power consumption problem in bluetooth devices and constructs the bluetooth energy cost of the data transmit model. Furthermore, BWM studies the relationship of key parameters in wake-up scheduling mechanism and controls the wake-up period intervals in order to ensure the effective data throughput of nodes. The simulation results show that our policy can reduce the power consumption of nodes under the premise of effective data delivery ratio.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1290-1295,共6页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61379117 61379057) 湖南省教育厅基金资助项目(13C1086) 长沙市科技厅科技计划资助项目(K1309010)
关键词 机会网络 唤醒调度机制 能耗 opportunistic networks wake-up scheduling mechanism power consumption
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