目的 探讨丘疹性弹性组织离解的临床及组织病理学特征.方法 分析5例丘疹性弹性组织离解患者的临床及病理资料.结果 5例患者均为女性,年龄9 ~ 26岁,平均15.2岁;病程1~ 10年,平均6年.皮损主要分布于躯干和四肢,表现为散在至群集分布的非毛囊性肤色或白色丘疹,直径0.1~1.0 cm,无自觉症状.皮损组织病理:病变部位真皮弹性纤维断裂,数量减少甚至局灶性消失,胶原纤维增粗,甚至均质化.治疗上给予异维A酸胶囊和液氮冷冻治疗,但无明显缓解.结论 丘疹性弹性组织离解少见,临床需结合组织病理进行诊断,认识该病有助于早期诊断并避免不必要的治疗.
Objective To investigate the clinical and pathological features of papular elastorrhexis.Methods A retrospective study was performed on five patients with PE.The clinical and pathological features were assessed.Results All the five patients were female with an average age of 15.2 years (range,9-26 years) and clinical course of 6 years (1-10 years).Characteristic lesions were scattered or clustered,white or skin-colored,asymptomatic,nonfollicular papules measuring 0.1-1 cm in diameter,which were mainly distributed on the trunk and limbs.Histopathological examination of lesions showed disruption,decrease and even focal disappearance of dermal elastic fibers,as well as thickening and homogenization of collagen fibers.The patients were treated with isotretinoin and liquid nitrogen cryotherapy,but no obvious improvement was achieved.Conclusions Papular elastorrhexis is rare in clinic,and its diagnosis should be based on clinical and pathological presentations.To recognize this entity is beneficial to its early diagnosis and avoidance of unnecessary treatment.
International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology