
不同倾角条件下非饱和土质边坡的雨水累积入渗量及稳定性敏感性分析 被引量:3

Sensitivity analysis of cumulative infiltration and stability at different angles of unsaturated soil slope
摘要 基于引入倾角的Green-Ampt入渗修正模型,探讨积水和常降雨状态下,累积入渗量和安全系数随边坡倾角增加的敏感度,将时间单位无量纲化。研究结果表明:无量纲入渗短时段内,随着边坡倾角持续增加,累积入渗量增值由小变大,敏感度逐渐明显,而安全系数下降变缓。同时,降雨强度与饱和导水率比值也会对累积入渗量和安全系数产生影响,比值越大,上述现象越不明显,但之后对入渗影响甚小。分析不同倾角的雨水入渗情况,将有助于进一步了解边坡入渗特性和准确判断边坡滑坡失稳,从而适时采取有效的措施进行治理。 Based on the previously modified Green-Ampt infiltration model which takes angle into account, the relationships among cumulative infiltration and safety factor with slope angle under ponding and constant rainfall intensity condition were researched making the time unit dimensionless. The results show that in short sustained period of dimensionless infiltration time, value-added of cumulative infiltration turn from small to big with sensitivity gradually obvious when slope angle increases, while the safety factor slows down. At the same time, the ratio of rainfall intensity to saturated hydraulic conductivity has influence on the cumulative infiltration and safety factor. The greater the ratio is, the less obvious above phenomenon. However, the effect is very small when the ratio is rather big. Studying different angles of rainwater infiltration will be helpful to further understand the slope infiltration characteristics and accurately judge slope instability, so as to timely take effective measures to control.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1583-1589,共7页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51178423)
关键词 倾角 边坡 入渗量 安全系数 angle slope cumulative infiltration safety factor
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