目的了解医疗机构就诊妇女的社会性别平等意识,为开展反对针对妇女暴力干预活动提供依据。方法 2012年7—8月在河北省承德县和湖南省浏阳市两地的两家妇幼保健机构和综合医院调查就诊妇女,共计调查了635人。使用自行设计的自填式结构调查问卷。结果妇女家庭地位平均得分为5.06分(满分9分),房产作为家里最主要的财产,仅有9.1%署名为妇女本人,39.5%的署名为妇女配偶;认为中国妇女地位比男性低的前3位原因是"妇女承担了更多家庭内部事务"(51.7%)、"中国传统男尊女卑遗留的歧视"(51.7%)和"经济收入低"(42.4%);社会性别平等意识的满分率仅为20.8%,有39.2%的妇女认为"男人以社会为主,女人以家庭为主",有12.4%的妇女认为"男人是一家之主,女人应该听丈夫的";文化程度较高者(OR=2.77)和自身家庭地位较高者(OR=1.56)的社会性别平等意识较强。结论妇女家庭地位有待提高,社会性别平等意识有待加强,应该提高妇女自身的文化修养,加强相关培训。
Objective To measure outpatient women' s current levels of gender conception. Methods A crosssectional study was conducted in two hospitals and two health care facilities in Hebei and Hunan Province between July and August in 2012. 635 outpatient women were selected and investigated. Self-designed questionnaire was used to collect characteristics of subjects, family status, Chinese women status, analysis of reasons for the low status of Chinese women, gender conception. Results The average score of women' s family status is 5.06 points ( out of 9 points). House as the main family property, only 9. 1% were signed by women, but 39. 5% were signed by women' husband. The top three reason for the low status of Chinese women were "women assume more family affairs" (51.7% ), "Chinese traditional concept of men enjoy higher status than women" (51.7%) and "economic income of women is low" (42. 4% ). 20. 8% outpatient women get full score of gender conception. 39. 2% and 12. 4% outpatient women think that "men should be give priority to sociaty, women should be give priority to family" and "the man is the head of the family, a woman should listen to her husband" . 75.6% medical personnel never treated a women suffered from violence. The outpatient women with higher level of education ( OR = 2. 77 ) or higher family status ( OR = 1.56 ) have stronger sense of gender conception. Conclusion The Chinese women status is needed to be improved. The gender conception of outpatient women is needed to be strengthened. Women should raise their own cultural enrichment. Related training should be carried out.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Gender conception
Violence against women
Cross-sectional survey
Outpatient women