概念隐喻理论认为整个概念系统从本质上来说都是具有隐喻性的,简单来说就是隐喻无处不在。标题是一则新闻的精华部分,也是其点睛之笔。以China Daily的141条新闻标题为考察对象,在概念隐喻理论的指导下探讨报纸新闻标题中的三种隐喻类型及其在新闻标题中所起的作用。
According to Conceptual Metaphor Theory, metaphor is the nature of our conceptual system. That is to say metaphor is in everywhere. Newspaper is a part of our life, and it is also an important source of information. Title is the soul of news, when we read newspaper, the title of the news is the first thing for reader to catch. Based on 141 news titles selected from China Daily, this paper is aimed to summarize the types of the metaphor in the news title and analyze the effect of these metaphors in each title.
Journal of Wuhan Textile University